The Numinous Place Creator Mark Staufer on Transmedia 2

The Numinous Place Creator Mark Staufer on Transmedia
Mark Staufer (@MarkStaufer) promises a pioneering transmedia thriller with the launch of ‘The Numinous Place‘. Blending book, film and web-based narrative elements, Staufer’s quadrilogy will immerse participants in an interactive parallel world blurring traditional narrative entertainment and game play. ‘The Numinous Place’ is the world’s first truly multidimensional work of fiction – technology and creativity ...

Transmedia and Convergence Culture

Transmedia and Convergence Culture
Transmedia storytelling is a way to create a storyworld and tell a story across multiple platforms and formats. The different media complement each other and are linked together. An essential aspect of a transmedia production, is that the audience can actively participate in the storyworld.  Therefore a digital platform often has a central role. One ...

Transmedia Storytelling and Documentary Filmmaking 2

Transmedia Storytelling and Documentary Filmmaking
Transmedia Storytelling is the practice of telling a single story with multiple platforms and formats, often using digital tools. Often shortened to simply Transmedia, it can allow documentary filmmakers to not only reach new audiences, but also to create unique educational components to enhance their film’s message and provide ways to partner with companies and ...