Spreadable Media 2

Spreadable Media
In short, Spreadable Media argues: If it doesn’t spread, it’s dead… this book challenges some of the prevailing metaphors and frameworks used to describe contemporary media, from biological metaphors like “memes” and “viral” to the concept of “Web 2.0” and the popular notion of “influencers.” Spreadable Media examines the nature of audience engagement, the environment ...

Transmedia and Convergence Culture

Transmedia and Convergence Culture
Transmedia storytelling is a way to create a storyworld and tell a story across multiple platforms and formats. The different media complement each other and are linked together. An essential aspect of a transmedia production, is that the audience can actively participate in the storyworld.  Therefore a digital platform often has a central role. One ...

No Ur-Text in Transmedia Storytelling 1

No Ur-Text in Transmedia Storytelling
Transmedia storytelling represents a process where integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified and coordinated entertainment experience. Ideally, each medium makes it own unique contribution to the unfolding of the story… There is no one single source or ur-text where one can turn ...