6 Transmedia Tips

6 Transmedia Tips
Writer and game designer Chuck Wendig (@ChuckWendig) hass corralled 25 Things You Should Know About Transmedia Storytelling which you should read before it becomes 26 or 50. But, if you’re rushy, at least read my favorite half dozen from his list: Current Transmedia Definition The current and straightest-forwardest (not a word) definition of transmedia is ...

Transmedia Storytelling and Documentary Filmmaking 2

Transmedia Storytelling and Documentary Filmmaking
Transmedia Storytelling is the practice of telling a single story with multiple platforms and formats, often using digital tools. Often shortened to simply Transmedia, it can allow documentary filmmakers to not only reach new audiences, but also to create unique educational components to enhance their film’s message and provide ways to partner with companies and ...