Meandering Margaux is a transmedia storytelling boutique. That’s a convoluted, buzzwordy and totally un-storytelling way to say, “We build stories.” Better stories. Interactive stories. Across multiple platforms. Including reality. Remember live storytelling?
Indie Publisher
Meandering Margaux is an independent publisher of print and digital stories. Imagine a niche press having a lusty affair with a graffiti artist. Their love child might resemble Meandering Margaux. Adventurous. Seductive. Slightly irreverent…
Indie Producer
Meandering Margaux is an independent producer of live, audio and digital stories. Part busker. Part installation artist. Part techie. Part alchemist.
Virtual Story Studio
Meandering Margaux is a consulting agency that specializes in story development and marketing strategy. Our collaborative, globally distributed storytelling team guided by George Davis is passionate about live storytelling, digital storytelling, narrative ecosystems and books. We’re less passionate about offices, cubicles, commuting and geographic limitations.