Gamification continues to surf the buzzword tidal wave in media and publishing and marketing and virtually anything else that involves audience and narrative and commerce. Not because the idea is new. Because it works. And while gamification is a reference pinched from the video game industry, the underlying concept is far more universal. Basically gamification refers to enhancing and extending user engagement from one-way broadcast to two-way (or multi-way) opt-in co-creation, from one time consumption to an ongoing relationship.
known in the gaming industry parlance as ramification… [it basically] leads to the customer sticking around and engaging with your content much longer. (PRLog)
Heralded as one of the most transformative trends in technology in some of the industries mentioned above, gamification is widely seen as a solution for brand loyalty concerns, content monetization and a growing preference for interactive content.
Gamification is the use of game thinking and game mechanics in non-game contexts to engage users in solving problems. (Wikipedia)
Sounds like a panacea!

Gamification is the use of game elements and game design techniques in non-game contexts (Credit: dullhunk)
But while the concept has staying power, it’s probably not the silver bullet that marketers and content creators hope that it is. The underlying ideas (interactive, engaging, ongoing, user/stakeholder opt-in, etc.) have always been important. Digital just opens up new options. And mobile digital is probably the most exciting and open-ended option of all.
The omnipresent nature of mobile combined with a trend toward platform androgynous digital content renders circumstances ripe for an uptick in gamification. The eery success of Flappy Bird is testament aplenty, but what about when we apply gamification to non-video-game media? I’ll take a look at new gamification next…
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